Stress Relief Activities
Are you struggling with stress, anxiety or panic, made worse in this time of Coronavirus? Finding those “quick fix” methods don’t really work? This uplifting book of 20 simple stress relief activities takes an alternative approach. Based on a highly successful course taken by 750 Moms, this course is a wider program to improve your confidence, self-esteem, and sense of fulfillment so that you are able to deal with stress and anxiety far more effectively.
With billions of us suffering worldwide and the abundance of excellent books teaching relaxation techniques, the solution to stress, anxiety, and panic should now be obvious. Except it isn’t and that’s not because you’re doing it wrong.
Sadly, the truth is there is no cure otherwise we’d all be taking it! It’s time for something different.
20 Simple Exercises To Beat Stress And Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are the largest mental health disorder and just now with the extra burden of the Cornavirus pandemic it’s no wonder if we’re all feeling the strain.
By revealing that we all share the same worries: Can I cope? Am I going to fail? What can I do because I feel so overwhelmed? it becomes clear that once you feel good about yourself it’s so much easier to stop stress and anxiety overshadowing your life.
Using feedback from members, I have written a series of simple 15-minute exercises for stress management. They include top relaxation techniques along with ways to help you value yourself and increase your happiness.
Who is the book for?
Stress and anxiety is a struggle for everyone, whether you homeschool or not. This book is aimed at all women because frankly I think it’s us women who are even more likely to question our own abilities.
We all face fear and insecurity, whether that’s about being alone, our relationship, or our jobs. Maybe your stress and anxiety bubble up through lack confidence, making decisions or intimacy. And with Coronavirus it’s obvious you’ll worry about your loved ones, your children and your health.
It’s a lot to deal with. So we need something to hold onto which let’s us bring out the good things in our life and look at things in a different way.
“❤️❤️❤️ love mine it is a permanent fixture on my bedside table.” ~ Sheryl
How will I benefit?
Being anxious, stressed and panicky sucks the joy out of life. Apart from the horrid physical side-effects like feeling sick, It makes you feel out of control and worried about what is happening to you.
You’ll find obvious anxiety-beating exercises like breathing and mindfulness, but the course helps you look at your life in a much more positive way so you are:
- Less likely to suffer from anxiety and stress.
- When you do, you will be able to accept the feelings as unpleasant but a normal part of life that will go away.
- You will come to see that stress and anxiety are always going to rear their ugly heads – but they don’t need to rule your life.
Furthermore, by making changes so you start the day off right, eat more healthily, make time for yourself and stop overthinking everything you will:
- Start noticing what makes you happy every day
- Become more optimistic
- Increase your confidence and self-esteem
- Realize how lucky you are to have the life you have
Stress Relief Activities Workbook
There are 23 short exercises in the workbook. Each exercise starts with some background information with facts to prove the benefits and then sets you a Challenge which takes about 15 minutes. You don’t need to follow each exercise in the exact order and they cover a whole variety of different tasks, from setting up your own peaceful space to looking at your diet and concentrating on the little things which make life worthwhile.
This book is designed as a workbook so that each exercise has space for you to write your answer and what you are doing to help yourself. Just by picking up a pen you are taking action and sending a powerful message that you can change how you feel and you are worth it.
You will find pages where you can write affirmations, what you are grateful for and give yourself praise for the beautiful person you are.
20 Simple Exercises to Beat Stress and Anxiety
“These exercises feel like a best friend guiding you on your journey to happiness.” ~ Claudia
“A must have.” ~ Samie
“The exercises make me realize what I am doing isn’t selfish. It’s what I need. And what my children need is a happy, relaxed, me.” ~ Sheryl
“This book is an eye opener.” ~ Beth
Happiness Journal
There is a dedicated Journal which goes along with the course.
Journaling has been proved to be one of the best ways of beating stress and anxiety.
In fact, research has shown that writing in a journal can have the same benefits as going to a counselor.
With uplifting quotes specially selected by the 2,000 members of my support group, this easy to use Notebook is a great way to start your day.
Each double page spread is illustrated with flowers and beautiful words so you can gain perspective and lift your mood.
This is a simple, straightforward Journal that doesn’t make too many demands on your time and gives you the freedom to use it for personal reflection however you want.
Happiness Journal
The Journal includes suggestions for things to include when you write, like making a list of things to look forward to, writing what you enjoyed about your day and adding things of beauty.
Stress Facts and Statistics
The facts are pretty shocking. Stress is the biggest mental health disorder worldwide, causing all sorts of health problems from heart disease to diabetes.
So it’s time to take action!
The Journal and Workbook of stress relief activities are there for you to help you see that you can cope with whatever life throws at you. We are all here together on the same journey and it’s time to take action so you can relax, stay calm and enjoy the beautiful person you are.