HomeSelf HelpHomeschool Mom Self-Care Tips: A Peaceful Space


Homeschool Mom Self-Care Tips: A Peaceful Space — 1 Comment

  1. My calming place is my bedroom always has been since I was a little girl I have books soft blankets a fish tank with my 4 goldfish 2 catfish and 2 plecos watching them is therapeutic when the tank light is on. Also find a pretty journal that you love and a pen that makes your writing lovely and write anything and everything. I have been neglecting my journal the last few weeks and it shows in my mood and how I am reacting to life. Grab a book you love even if you have read it a hundred times already revisit the familiar characters and stories that you love or re watch a tv show or movie you have seen way too many times, all of these things help produce your happy hormones because they are already familiar to you. Listen to music that you love sing dance even if you are terrible at it you will feel happier to be moving. Light a candle or loads burn incense that you love smelling I do these things naturally being wiccan i have done them for over 17 years and i know they work for me and i hope that my ideas will work for you. If you find watching a fire burn is relaxing they have one on Netflix that you can leave playing on the tv and will help you to meditate watching the flames. Grab a colouring book and some good pencils and go back to a time when things were simple (childhood). Your space can be as big or small as you like I prefer using a bigger space so I can do more with it. Hope these help xx

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